“Young people are the future of our country. They will have to inherit the nation’s leadership at some point.”
Day 22: Quotes
“Poverty of one person is the poverty of all. Poverty in one place is poverty for everyone in the land” – Sen Bajomo
Quotes; Day 21
Nigeria will shine again if we reason together as Nigerians, not as northerners/southerners or Muslims/Christians. – Isa Ajiya The starting point to Nigeria’s greatness is a deliberate decision to accommodate one another beyond ethnic lines. -Felix Akhabue
Day 18: Quotes
“if we continue to be hiding what has been plaguing us we would continue to have problems” – Nnamdi Iriome
Quote for Day 12
“Despite all the negative comments on Nigeria, it remains one of the best countries to live in. All those killing each other in the name of religion are ignorant of the religion they claim to profess”. -Bello Maitama – Jigawa state
Quotes for Day10 (08/04/2014)
“Nigeria cannot develop by accident…the great countries Nigeria looks up to were built by visionaries who were disciplined and continued to make progress on the same premise…the world is not waiting for Nigeria”. -Frank Nweke. “We must factor the interest of the smallest and the strongest so that we will get to where we are…
Quot of the Day9 07/04/2014
“We need to reconstruct Nigeria by restructuring it along the lines of social inclusion. We should not confuse unity with uniformity. Nigeria is one of the incompleteness projects of the 21st century”. -Ihechuckwu Madubuike
Quotes for Day8 03/04/2014
“To solve the issue of ethnic minority & majority, we must realize that no tribe is greater than the other”. – Edwin Clark